Compounding Passive Income on KuCoin Exchange

PLUS: How to get 15% Cashback on KuCoin trading fees

Let’s begin with the 15% savings for you.

Then I’ll detail how I missed out on compounding passive income on KuCoin.

Passive Income and 15% Kickback Fees. (midjourney image by author)

After you see the graphs of the power of compounding, you’ll understand why it is worth my while to CUT my referral benefits by more than half.

from me getting 20% of your fees… I’ll reduce my earnings by 75%!

so that you get 15% of your fees and I only get 5%.

15% Cashback on KuCoin trading fees (all images by author)

The power of compound interest on KuCoin (image by author)

To Compound Or Not

Here is how I found my KuCoin account after about three years of neglect.

I quickly claimed the KuCoin Bonus earnings and my balance improved!

Then, after reviewing the data on daily earnings - I wanted to know exactly how much more money I could have earned if I had done nothing more than login and claim my earnings every five days.

I parked 48.17 KCS tokens in 2019 and left them there.

Now I have 61.17 - a gain of 26.99%

So, the compounded annual growth rate over the 1061 days is approximately 8.87% per annum.

For holding 48.17 KCS I received an average of 0.01225259 coins per day.

Let’s calculate what I would now be holding if I had compounded my earnings once each week.

After Saving My KuCoin Bonus Rewards

Now I am earning a compound bonus on my bonus rewards! (image by author)

Calculating the change in earning potential if the interest would have been compounded every five days.

Compounding Earned 3.12% Greater Returns (image by author)

48.17 starting up to 61.16 was calculated to be a 26.99% gain, 8.87% annually.

48.17 starting up to 63.06 could have achieved a 30.91% gain, 9.38% annually.

9.38% annual returns are a
5.75% INCREASE in returns
over the 8.87%

Make Money Staking on KuCoin (image by author)

Over just 1061 days we can visually see the difference in earnings because of the power of compound interest, but it gets very much more powerful over time, which I’ll chart soon.

For the next update post, I’ll get ChatGPT to help me create a comparison graph of the effect of compounding daily.

Be sure to subscribe. We’ll keep you updated from time to time.

The Best KuCoin Discount Code

KuCoin Exchange Savings Code (midjourny image by author)

15% Kickback. As my Thanks.

This way, it is worth YOUR while to use my referral savings coupon when you set up a new trading account on KuCoin.

Because I’ll leave that extra money working for me and I’ll compound that money as well.

The theory is, that earning a little from more people will be a greater benefit in the long run. Let’s test it out!

Turn Your Extra Time Into Extra Money

I’m so keen to update you on how the income changes as a result of this post. 

That is, I’ll update you on the increased earnings that come about directly as a result of my using some 'extra’ time to explain how I’ve been growing my ‘extra’ money.


Don’t Miss This

Crypto authors take note. As a result of this post, today…

I’ll make even more extra money. Faster.

Let me explain: